Apostle Harold L. Harris, Jr.
Apostle Harold L. Harris Jr., originally from Durham, North Carolina, has been a Christian for over 30 years. Once a Senior Pastor of an apostolic work, he is the founder of Shofar Christian Ministries, which conducts schools of leadership and prophetic teachings where future and established leaders are trained in the apostolic and prophetic ministry to reach the body of Christ worldwide. Apostle Harris received his apostolic affirmation from the Kingdom of Priest Covenant Fellowship under the leadership of Apostle William M. Dawson II.
Apostle Harris’s preaching and teaching of God’s Word includes a strong flow in the five-fold ministry gifts. God’s prophetic mantle and flow bring confirmation, edification, and structure to the individual, local, and universal church. In his quest to fulfill the Great Commission, Apostle Harris travels worldwide, sharing the Gospel. International missions have included Venezuela, the British Isles of Trinidad, St. Vincent, Barbados, and a 34-day trip to Israel, where he produced a documentary detailing the places of the Bible. During his international travel, he authored the book, “Four Faces of the Apostolic and Prophetic.”
Apostle Harris graduated with a Bachelor of Theology from Hosanna Bible College and has acquired over 15 years of pastoral experience as a former senior pastor. He establishes schools to instruct Christians in church administration, nonprofit governance, organizational leadership, apostolic authority, and prophetic order. His online classes explain laws and definitions of the prophetic, the hierarchy of the demonic kingdom, spiritual mapping, and eschatology.
Apostle Harris has expertise in Christian training and proven experience as an accomplished administrator, instructor, leadership developer, consultant, author, and ordained minister. He has experience establishing new ministries in various locations and developing leaders for full-time ministry.
Apostle Harris has experience establishing and operating successful businesses and non-profit organizations, including a transportation company, addiction rehabilitation programs, youth mentoring programs, 24-hour daycare, and emergency assistance programs. This experience also extends to consulting others to do the same successfully. He has also mentored adults to become homeowners and business owners. Government officials have recognized Apostle Harris for ministering internationally, serving the community, and developing youth programs.
In all things, Apostle Harris maintains, “The Word of the Lord is Right! (Psalms 33:4)”