Warmest Kingdom Greetings To All!
Our Entire TMC Family Joins In the Celebration Of
The National Women’s History Month
The Theme for 2019:
Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence
Our TMC theme is
‘In 2019, God’s Hand Of Justice, Integrity and Truth, In Me — Individually And Corporately, Will Clearly Be Seen’‘
[II Chron 7:14]
Make the time time to listen to today’s very powerful, insightful message! I assure you that this message is full of Godly wisdom and biblical instruction to help each listener understand that God is concerned . . . and moreso . . . delights in giving us the ‘Desires Of Our Heart’!
So again I encourage you to click on ‘Daily Messages’, then click on ‘March 2019’ and scroll down to today’s message and listen to the Powerful Word Today by Minister Willa Peterson with ‘Encouraging Others’.
Listen and hear the powerful message today from Minister Willa Peterson as An Evangelist, A Certified Nutritionist, A New Grandmother, TMC Prayer Warrior and Speaker — as we are all ‘Ministers In The Marketplace’ Entrepreneur.
Minister Willa reminds us of the awesome power of encouraging one another! As believers, We should always be excited about having an intimate relationship with God, knowing that FIRST, which will give us the mind of Christ . . . then as We Ask God — We Will Clearly Begin To See — And Should then trust God and obey throughout the stages of life — with ‘An Attitude Of Gratitude Leading the Way!
Minister Willa also reminds us that having a relationship with God goes both ways — and God Is Doing His part of the Relationship — but are We living up to Ours. This is more easily demonstrated as we ‘Encourage Ourselves in the Lord’. She encouraged us to Choose Words and Actionsof Encouragement and strive for the development of ‘Faith Muscles’ with a daily workout in God’s Gym of Faith!
Minister Willa reminds us that God wants to always have hope in our hearts which lead to encouragement in our actions and attitude. God will also honors us when we deal with truth and righteous as we embrace our goals, vision and dreams — with an attitude of Praise! Make daily choices which will lead to an eternity with Christ! As we pray for others and situations in our lives — we must remember that we are all ‘a work in progress’! She outlined the importance of being ‘diligent, always looking for opportunities to be a blessing to others — in other words — encourage others! We are all a representative of Christ by showing love is a privilege — as well as a responsibility –that in itself is ‘truly Godly Success!’ Our MAIN assignment is to ‘Channels Of Blessings’ for The Kingdom Of God! By daily seeking God In our individual lives, there should be a demonstration and manifestation of the glory and power of God — even through giving — individually and corporately!
It is up to each one of us to show the love of Christ as we strive to work together as one! This happens more readily when seek God’s face — not just His hand! God has given us wisdom and presents opportunities to be the best person we can be — and that means worshipping Him in Truth; staying focused and faithful to His Word’. Be open to see life’s challenges as awesome possibilities each day’! We must obey God and operate with wisdom — always giving God ALL the Praise — regardless! We must have a servant’s heart — eager to be His hands extended! We must also believe what we say — and only say what The Word says about us — but always stay sensitive and yielded to the will of God for your life! We are each responsible for submitting and enduring the process of change. The process is a lesson teaching others by our lifestyle, demonstrating our strength and trust in God.
There is a distinct Call from God on our Lives. And as we pursue our Call — We Must Be Accountable In Word And Deed — And In All Things Give Thanks. As we press in — as we embrace our history, our culture — and all about our Jehovah God. This is a powerful message reminded us to stay ‘Faithful, Focused and Firm’ to our commitment to Christ and always remember that ‘As We Choose To Praise God And Decree And Declare His Word– Our Destiny Is Perfected’. And while being perfected, spiritual maturity will come!
We all must spend quality time with God as we study His Word to truly embrace the power and the vital importance of Always Speaking the Truth in Love. His Words are always full of wisdom! And using His Words in prayer we will get His plan and strategy! Praise God according to Scripture and remember the promises in God’s Word — ‘No Matter What’. It is important to keep a persistence and persevering spirit against all odds! It is often required — as well as being faithful to God and His Word.
We also must have a daily diet of God’s Word, always remembering the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus. We cannot know His plan for our lives if we do not know His Word! Our lives must consist of a total commitment and Agape Love which Evolves Over Time — And All Along the Way We Must Evaluate and Examine ourselves and Our Journey!’ God desires us to display ‘Agape Love’ which we know will enhance the Kingdom! We must embrace the saying phrased ‘Be A Living Witness’ — we clearly see that a dying world needs what we have! We must learn to live with ‘An Attitude Of Gratitude’ along the journey of life! We are all ‘Glory Carriers’ and we have covenant promises that ensure a blessed destiny — as we submit to God’s Word AND will walk it out His Way!. We are each reminded to Be A Vessel To Receive AND Be A Blessings to Others — by being truthful and honest — as we do go through the valley — we cannot stop and stay there. She reminds us how as believers we are to be a ‘Living Epistle’ and strive to embrace The Word — Stand On God’s! Then we are mandated by the medicine of God’s Word to: desire to see His Manifestation — in every area of our lives! We Must Make God-centered Choices as we Speak the Promises Of God And Decree In Our Lives — ‘We Win’!
Have a Blessed Day!
Dr Vanessa
info@TheMastersCall.net or themastersmorningcall@gmail.com
PS — Hit Dr P K and I on Facebook @ ‘Pekola Roberts’ and ‘J Vanessa Weatherspoon’
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